This room was started in March of 2004 and its gonna take off like a rocket thanks to the DJ's and hot babes. We made this room and webpage b/c of the wonderful ladies on Pal Talk. So we thought of building a room and webpage to say thanks to them, if it wasnt for them there would be no Pal Talk. So guys if your taking the time to read this show the ladies respect or go to another room we're here to have fun and not be pigs. We plan to keep the room free of DRAMA, RAP, Techno, and of PIGS. So we hope you enjoy the room and come back and visit us. If you come across a problem with someone PMing you or harrassing you please let an admin know in a PM so that they can take care of the person.

The music in this room is mostly Classic Rock, 80's & 90's rock, Dance, and some Country. We dont play any techno or Rap music in this room.
Hats off to FucYouBLind for building a rockin the room on March 24th on its 4th time open. He had the room jammin and up to the #1 spot for 3 hours.

We would also like to thank the hot babes and we do mean HOT for going on cam. It was a great night and many more great nights to come. Thank you everyone.

: No Drama allowed into the room.
: Dont ask/tell someone to do something on cam.
: Dont be rude.
: Dont PM someone without asking in the room first.
: Dont ask someone to view your cam.
: If someone says "no" the first time "IT MEANS NO!!

Admins of the room so far: FucYouBLind, Doug_Kathie, Oohhm, SweetSexyLegs4_U, Welder0561, Miss Fredricks, Lioness110, and some others just forgot their names right now.

To have your pic added email: Paradise Babes
And please add in the subject line of the email "Paradise Babes" and your Pal Talk name.

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